新关注 > 信息聚合 > M神谈S5总决赛:中国队伍表现出乎意料


M God talk S5 finals, Chinese team has shown unexpected

2015-10-08 11:51:49来源: 锐派游戏

CLG的辅助Aphromoo在总决赛上拿出了机器人。你看那场比赛了吗? Madlife:是的,很有意思。当外国队伍来韩国训练的时候,尽管他们不是很擅长还是会选择机器人打训练赛。如果你无法在对线阶段利用上机器人的优势,那么游戏基本上就变成四打五了。我认为CLG是打算打蒙KOO,但是可惜的...

CLG robot was taken out in the finals. Did you watch the game? Madlife: Yes, it's interesting. When foreign teams come to South Korea, even though they are not very good at it, they will choose the robot to play. If you can not use the advantage of the robot on the line stage, then the game is basically become the four hit five. I think CLG is going to play KOO, but it's a pity...