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Losing the precursor? "Turret legend" from the apple store

2015-10-08 11:43:07来源: 4399

《刀塔传奇》近段时间的日子不太好过,自从五月份被威尔乌(Valve)正式提起诉讼,越来越多的负面新闻笼罩着这款曾经的现象级手游。紧跟威尔乌之后,暴雪也在同月正式发布官方公告,也将对《刀塔传奇》的侵权行文进行诉讼维权。 刀塔传奇封面的亮眼冰女 《刀塔传奇》被苹果商店下架这件“大事”就发...

"turret legend" in recent days is not too good, since May was Willeu (Valve) officially filed a lawsuit, more and more negative news has been shrouded in this ever phenomenon of hand travel. Behind the weir Ukraine, Blizzard also in the same month officially released the official announcement, will also the tort of "Legend of the knife tower" were litigation rights. The legendary turret cover dazzling female ice "turret legend" is the apple store shelves this "big thing" on the hair...

标签: 苹果