新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗藏玄机?《使命召唤12》XboxOne数字版全面下架


Hidden mystery? "Call of duty 12" xboxone digital version of the full frame

2015-10-08 11:21:23来源: 新浪

据悉,《使命召唤12:黑色行动3》Xbox One数字版已经全面下架,目前微软及动视官方还未公布具体原因。 此前于Xbox官方商店购买了《使命召唤12》的玩家仍可进行预载,Xbox官方客服也确认了该作数字版本的正式下架,想要玩到该作的Xbox平台玩家将只能购买光盘版,PS4平台则仍可...

it is reported, "call of duty 12: Black Ops 3" Xbox one digital edition has full frame, the Microsoft and Activision official has not announced the specific reasons. Prior to the Xbox official store to buy a call of duty of the players can still be carried out pre load, Xbox official customer service also confirmed that the official version of the digital version, you want to play to the Xbox platform players will only buy the CD version, PS4 platform is still...

标签: Xbox