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The new dragon "regnant the world October launched the leads of

2015-09-22 17:40:06来源: 新浪

导语:3D浪漫武侠网游《新天龙八部》大型城战资料片“君临天下”,将在10月震撼上线!新天龙史上面积最大、人数最多、战况最复杂的跨服战役即将开放!五城之约,珍宝深藏,等你称王,君临天下! 今日新服火爆开启: 唯美双线【勿忘心安】 【五城之约,等你称王】 2011年,独立于原...

: 3D romantic knight errant net to tour the new dragon 8" large urban warfare piece of information "dragon in the world", the line in October shock! The new Denon history of the largest area, the largest number, the most complicated inter service battle is about to open! Some of you, treasures hidden, king, king of the world! Today, a new service hot open: beautiful double [forget peace of mind] [Wucheng about, such as your king] 2011, independent of the original...