新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我去图书馆看会书回来却被判牟利苦行了


I went to the library to read a book back but was sentenced to profit ascetic the

2015-09-18 21:28:23来源: 17173

希望WY能看见,一个出离愤怒的玩家 这是一个前前后后玩了6年的玩家想对网易说的话。首先我承认我是一个五开,但我以我出门被车撞发誓我没有在梦幻里赚过一分钱!容我细细道来 我是一个五开,把梦幻当游戏玩的五开,这一点我会之后慢慢的证明,然后我前几天炼妖出了一个我自认为是我炼妖以来最好的...

hope WY can see that one out away from the angry players this is a back and forth to play internationally for 6 years to say to NetEase. I'm the first to admit that I am a five opened, but I to I go out by car hit swear I'm not in a dream made a penny! Let me carefully I is a five opened, the dream when playing the game five. This I will slowly after that, then I a few days before the demon out of the one that I think is my demon has the best...