新关注 > 信息聚合 > 此方酱の游戏日记:目标是神奇宝贝大师


This sauce [in Japanese game diary: the goal is a Pokemon master

2015-09-18 20:08:13来源: 新浪

唔~呼呼呼(*/ω*)~米娜桑一定想我了吧(并不!)~这里是此方酱(微博)。 9月10日,任天堂发布了一段《口袋妖怪GO(Pokémon GO)》的超燃视频,小伙伴们可以在现实世界中捕捉口袋妖怪了! 嘛,其实此方酱更喜欢称之为《神奇宝贝》~ 在神奇的世界中,小智、小霞、小刚...

Oh ~ whirring call * * Omega ~! Want to me (not!) Here is the recipe (micro blog). In September 10th, Nintendo released a GO GO (Pok Mon), a group of small partners in the real world to capture the pocket monster! Well, in fact, this is more like sauce called "Magic Baby" - in the magical world, ash, misty, Xiao gang...

标签: 游戏