新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360手机游戏8月报告:休闲益智类游戏吸金能力创..


360 mobile game August report: casual puzzle game ceiling gold ability a sina..

2015-09-19 16:22:12来源: 新浪

日前,360手机游戏发布2015年8月手游指数报告。报告显示,休闲益智、躲避跑酷、卡牌3大类型的游戏继续在下载TOP100中稳居前三;在吸金能力方面,卡牌手游继续在畅销TOP100中一枝独秀,而休闲益智类经过连续5个月的稳定增长,排名从第八升至第四,吸金能力创新高。 8月部分新游上线时...

recently, 360 mobile game released in August 2015 travel index report. The report shows that casual puzzle, avoid parkour, card 3 types of game continues in the download Top100 ranked the top three, the ability suction gold card tour to thriving in the best-selling Top100, and casual puzzle after 5 months of continuous growth, ranking rose to fourth from the eighth, suction gold a high innovative capacity. August new on-line...

标签: 游戏