新关注 > 信息聚合 > 确保60帧 官方确认《光环5》将采用动态分辨率

确保60帧 官方确认《光环5》将采用动态分辨率

Ensure that the 60 frames official confirmed halo 5 will use dynamic resolution

2015-09-16 10:39:35来源: 新浪

日前,343工作室对《光环5:守护者》(Halo 5: Guardians)的一些技术细节进行了介绍。 《光环5:守护者》预计今年10月份正式发售,比较特别的是,本作并不会和其他多数游戏一样采用全程不变的画面分辨率,而是会在不同场景时动态改变画面分辨率,以此保证全程60fps流畅度。...

recently, 343 studio of the halo 5: Guardian (halo 5: guardians) some of the technical details are introduced in this paper. Halo 5: Guardian is expected to be officially released in October this year, more specifically, this is not the same as the majority of the game as a whole the same picture resolution, but will change the screen resolution in different scenes, in order to ensure full 60fps smoothness. ...