新关注 > 信息聚合 > 挑战兵魂排行榜《全球使命2》新活动纪念章


Challenge soldiers soul charts "Global Mission 2" new activity Memorial chapter

2015-09-16 11:07:57来源: 天极网

畅销海外二十余国,全球最具人气的TPS网游《全球使命2》再度重磅开启“黄金纪念章 寻不朽兵魂”系列活动,为始终支持游戏的广大玩家奉上代表荣誉的黄金纪念章。此外,每周的PVE BossRush也将继续为玩家们带来精彩的生死时速挑战赛,完成比赛就有机会获得海量季券、暴君、超能等珍贵武器。 ...

selling in overseas more than 20 nations, the world's most popular TPS net swims the Global Mission 2, again heavy open "gold medal find immortal army soul" series of activities, as always support the game the majority of players offer representative honor gold medals. In addition, the weekly PVE BossRush also will continue to bring wonderful Shengsishisu challenge for the players and finish the race and have the opportunity to get a massive season tickets, a tyrant, a super and other precious weapons. ...