新关注 > 信息聚合 > 确保流畅 《极品飞车19》主机版锁30帧 始终联网

确保流畅 《极品飞车19》主机版锁30帧 始终联网

To ensure the smooth "need for speed 19" console version lock 30 frames always network

2015-09-16 10:49:14来源: 新浪

开发商Ghost Games今日确认开放世界竞速游戏《极品飞车19》在Xbox One和PS4上都将以30fps标准运行。在最新的一个问答页面上,该工作室解释称游戏帧数对于任何一个竞速游戏来说都是“极其重要”,而新《极品飞车》也不例外。 官方说:“我们总是寻求在次世代主机平台将我们的...

developers to ghost games today confirmed open world racing game "need for speed 19" on the Xbox and Playstation will be running at 30fps standard. In the latest a question and answer page and the studio explained said the game frame for any racing game is "extremely important", and the new "need for speed" is no exception. "We are always looking at the next generation console platform will be our...