新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重现上古传奇《洪荒世界OL》今日封测开启


Reproduce the ancient legends of the prehistoric world ol "today open beta

2015-09-16 12:05:39来源: 07073游戏网

首款海内外平台联合首发的网游,由蜀客网与Lanx724共同诚挚邀请洪荒英雄们与我们一起于2015.9.16开启封测不删档拓荒历险!届时国内玩家将可以与海外华人玩家同服竞技,共同畅游洪荒世界。 《洪荒世界》制作历时2年,是全球首款以封神与蛮荒神话为背景,暗黑风格的ARPG页游。以仙界争...

first sea inside and outside platform combined starting online, by Shu guest network and Lanx724 common sincere invitation prehistoric heroes and we together to 2015.9.16 open beta does not delete files pioneer adventure! When domestic and internationally will be and overseas Chinese internationally competitive with the service, the common swim prehistoric world. "The world" 2 years in the making, is the world's first to gods and wild mythology as the background, ARPG Webpage Game Diablo style. The celestial struggle...