新关注 > 信息聚合 > 棋牌竞技的世界杯:腾讯棋牌年度盛典即将启幕!


Competitive chess world cup: Tencent chess annual festival will be the curtain!

2015-09-16 14:00:43来源: 不凡游戏网

据悉,2015年12月18日至12月22日,腾讯棋牌将在三亚首次打造国内最大的棋牌文化盛典“智慧的力量”2015腾讯棋牌年度盛典。此次活动由国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心与腾讯棋牌双方通力合作,将呈现给行业以及棋牌爱好者一个大师荟萃、群星云集,各界名流与公众互动的盛大狂欢周。 在这个信...

reportedly, December 2015 18 to 12 April 22, Tencent chess will be in Sanya for the first time to build the largest chess culture festival "the wisdom of power" 2015 Tencent chess annual festival. The event by the State Sports General Administration of chess and chess game management center and the two sides together, will be presented to the industry as well as chess enthusiasts a master, stars gathered, all walks of life and the grand carnival of public interaction. In this letter...

标签: 腾讯