新关注 > 信息聚合 > 再送黄金纪念章 《全球使命2》新活动接棒兵魂排..

再送黄金纪念章 《全球使命2》新活动接棒兵魂排..

Sending Gold Commemorative chapter "Global Mission 2" new successor exhaust soldiers soul Sina..

2015-09-15 15:26:19来源: 新浪

《全球使命2》首次“黄金纪念章 寻不朽兵魂”活动日前已完美落幕。然而精彩不容停歇,第二轮送黄金纪念章的大活动马上接踵而来。在上一轮活动中留有遗憾的玩家们可密切关注《全球使命2》官网公告,获悉活动详情。与此同时,《全球使命2》限时特卖活动火爆开启。在玩家中风靡一时的季券武器炎龙P90以小搏...

the global mission of 2 "first" gold medal find immortal ghost soldiers "activities recently has a perfect ending. But best not to be stop, the second round to send gold medallions the activities immediately follow close on succession. In the last round of activities to leave a regret that players can pay close attention to the Global Mission 2, the official website announcement, to learn the details of the event. At the same time, "2" global mission sale activities hot open. In the season ticket game player become fashionable for a time in P90 by small arms bl...