新关注 > 信息聚合 > 空甲联盟的前世今生:从Herzog Zwei到AirMech

空甲联盟的前世今生:从Herzog Zwei到AirMech

Empty a coalition of life: from Herzog Zwei to AirMech

2015-09-15 15:26:19来源: 新浪

近日,完美世界陆续公布了其代理游戏《空甲联盟(AirMech)》的相关资讯,而关于这款极具传奇色彩的游戏,仍然有很多故事不为人知,在这里首先要从它的前身《Herzog Zwei》说起: 【跌宕起伏 《离子战机(Herzog Zwei)》】 1989年,《离子战机(Herzog Z...

recently, perfect world gradually released the the principal-agent game "empty a Union (AirMech)" relevant information, and about this legendary game, there are still many untold stories, the first to speak of from its predecessor "Herzog Zwei": [the ups and downs of the ion fighter (Herzog Zwei) "] in 1989, the ion fighter (Herzog Z...

标签: AI