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复古手绘风休闲手游 《小小火箭》给你最简单的快乐

Retro hand drawn hand tour of the "little Rockets" to you the most simple happy

2015-09-15 16:37:23来源: 4399

手绘风休闲游戏《小小火箭》(A Skyrocket Story)近日发布了预告和游戏截图,并宣布即将登陆移动游戏平台。单纯的故事、极简的画风,在乌烟瘴气的手游中给你带来一抹清凉。 游戏的玩法也如画风一样简单。玩家控制火箭发射的角度,调整好之后进行发射。让火箭避开所有障碍,点亮指定位置和...

A casual game "Skyrocket" (a little Story) recently released a notice and game screenshots, and announced the upcoming landing mobile gaming platform. A simple story, minimalist style, for you in the Mobile Games to bring a touch of cool in the The atmosphere was foul. The game play is simple and picturesque wind. Players control the rocket launch angle, adjust the good after launching. Let the rocket avoid all obstacles, light up the specified position and...

标签: 手游