新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日媒:“外行”掌舵人能否带任天堂渡难关


Japanese media: "lay" at the helm, whether with Nintendo Du difficulties

2015-09-15 17:37:05来源: 新浪

君岛达己 【环球科技报道 记者 王欢】《日本经济新闻》9月15日报道称,任天堂9月14日宣布,作为2014年7月11日去世的前社长岩田聪(55岁)的继任者,65岁的常务君岛达己将于9月16日升任为社长。君岛出身于三和银行(现为三菱东京UFJ银行),曾经在任天堂长期负责总务和会计事务。...

Island Jun has been reached [global technology report reporter Wang Huan] called "Japanese economic news" on September 15th, Nintendo, September 14, announced that, as a successor, who died in 2014 July 11, former president Satoru Iwata (55 years old), 65 year old Executive King Island of yourself will be held on September 16, was promoted to President. Kimishima was born in three and the bank (now Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ), once in the long term Nintendo is in charge of general affairs and accounting affairs. ...

标签: 任天堂