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Variety collocation! "Empty a union pilots backstory to appreciate

2015-09-14 18:14:33来源: 天极网

多人竞技对战网游《空甲联盟》启航在即,游戏内机师人设曝光。清纯萝莉、暴躁御姐、流浪剑客、铁血大叔……每位机师不同的长相和性格将在游戏内呈现出出特有的天赋和弱点。如此机师,搭配不同的空甲英雄将演化出更加百变的战斗特性。快叫上你的小伙伴,来一场激烈的空甲大战吧! 艾瑞克 ERIK 小西L...

multiplayer competitive war games" empty a union "set sail soon, a backstory of pilots in the game exposure. A strong woman, pure Lolita, rogueknight, his uncle...... Each pilot different appearance and character will show out unique talents and weaknesses in the game. So the pilots, collocation different leisure hero will evolve more amazing combat characteristics. Call on your little partner, a fierce air war, Eric ERIK Little West L...