新关注 > 信息聚合 > 消息称王思聪1亿元入股英雄互娱 后者回应“暂不..

消息称王思聪1亿元入股英雄互娱 后者回应“暂不..

News that Wang Sicong 1 million yuan to buy into the hero mutual entertainment who responded "temporarily..

2015-09-14 17:56:58来源: TechWeb

消息称王思聪1亿元入股英雄互娱 后者回应“暂不知情” 【TechWeb报道】9月14日消息,今日有媒体报道,王思聪成立的普思资本刚刚入股了移动电竞公司英雄互娱,投资金额近1亿元人民币。 对此,TechWeb致电英雄互娱方面,对方表示对此事“不知情”。 报道称,普思资本迄今为止已公开...

news said Wang Sicong 1 million yuan to buy into the hero mutual entertainment who responded by temporarily unaware [techweb reported] news on September 14. Today, there are media reports, Wang Sicong established MIPS capital just a stake in the mobile gaming company hero mutual entertainment, the investment amount of nearly 1 million yuan RMB. In this regard, TechWeb call the hero mutual entertainment, the other said the matter, I do not know". Reportedly, MIPs capital so far has been open...