新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赵丽颖唯美“献身” 龙门虎将或将启动全新代言视觉

赵丽颖唯美“献身” 龙门虎将或将启动全新代言视觉

Zhao Liying aesthetic "dedicated" dragon tiger or will start a new endorsement visual

2015-09-14 17:23:01来源: 电玩巴士

由盛大游戏和境界游戏双核运营的2015年正统国战网游《龙门虎将》英雄测试在不久之前刚刚圆满收官。自9月1日开启封测以来,在短短的8天的时间里,《龙门虎将》为玩家们带来了许多精彩的瞬间,得到广大玩家力挺。 其实除了惊艳四座的游戏体验之外,封测期间不乏有赵丽颖的粉丝们大量涌入游戏,旨在为...

by Shanda and the realm of the game dual core operations in 2015 orthodox country war games dragon tiger hero test in not long ago just successfully ending. Since September 1, open beta, in a short period of 8 days of time, "dragon tiger" for the players brought many wonderful moments, get the majority of the players behind. Actually in addition to stunning four game experience, during the beta, there is no lack of Zhao Liying fans poured into the game to...