新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方动作手游《功夫熊猫》今日开启首次精英测试


Official moves in the travel "Kung Fu Panda" opens today first elite test

2015-09-14 17:56:58来源: 任玩堂

由网易游戏制作团队研发《功夫熊猫》官方动作手游今日出击,首次开启精英测试。伴随着游戏官方宣传海报的同步曝光,延展原著的剧情架构、高清画质、易武玩法和无锁定攻击模式带来的战斗氛围,将为玩家呈现具有强烈打击感的动作游戏体验。此次测试为安卓限号删档测试,测试时间将持续到 9 月 29 日。 ...

Netease game by the production of R & D team "Kung Fu Panda" official moves in the travel strike today, open the elite test for the first time. Along with the game's official propaganda poster exposure, extended the original story structure, high-definition picture quality, easy to play and no lock attack mode brings battle atmosphere, the players will be presented with a strong sense of action game experience. The test for Android limited number of deleted file test, the test time will continue until September 29th. ...

标签: 手游