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现代坦克战斗指南 《最后一炮》开放内测新手必读

Modern battle tanks guide "a gun last open online novice must read

2015-09-14 09:58:31来源: 多玩游戏

最强坦克99式来袭,中国现代装甲射击网游《最后一炮》开放内测正式启动!中系96A、美英系M1A1、挑战者2等全球知名主战坦克打造坚不可摧的现代装甲洪流。而作为一名新手玩家,如何驾驭这些抗巨炮、射导弹的高机动主战装备?接下来就为各位玩家详解《最后一炮》的战斗必备指南。 中国现代装甲射击...

strongest tank 99 struck, China modern armored shooting games the last gun" open beta was officially launched. In the 96A, and M1A1, and other world-renowned Challenger 2 main battle tanks to build modern armored be secure against assault. As a novice game player, how to manage these cannon, anti missile maneuvering battle equipment? The essential guide for the battle you "last shot" of the game player. Chinese modern armor shooting...