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DOTA2朋友圈 独特的实时好友事件系统

Dota2 friends tour circle unique real-time friends event system

2015-09-09 17:29:58来源: 游久网

能看到好友动态,还能评论?DOTA2“重生”Beta中的朋友圈——独特的实时好友事件系统。 在DOTA2“重生”主页面中,你就可以看到有一块十分明显的区域,显示了你所有好友的实时动态,包括奖杯信息,赠送礼物等等,当然你还可以在这里对你好友的动态进行评论,所有把这里理解成一个朋友圈再合...

can see the friends of dynamic, comment still can? Dota2 beta "rebirth" in the circle of friends - a unique real-time friends event system. In the DOTA2 "rebirth" home page, you can see that there is a very clear area, showing the real-time dynamics of your friends, including the trophy information, gift and so on, of course, you can also make comments on your friend's dynamics, all here to understand as a circle of friends again...

标签: DOTA