新关注 > 信息聚合 > 堪比模拟城市建设!经营游戏《我的国家3D》曝光


As the city construction simulation! 3D

2015-09-08 12:41:52来源: 4399

《我的国家3D》(My Country 3D)是一款城市模拟建设游戏,近日游戏曝光并放出了游戏概念图。不难看出,该游戏的画质非常清楚真实,堪比CG动画,希望不只是官图无限美。 游戏中玩家可以通过放大、缩小画面,调节游戏的视角,小至小鸟视角俯瞰城市,大至身临城市街区,细看人物的表情动作。...

My 3D 3D (Country) is a city in the construction of the game, the recent game exposure and released the game concept map. It is not difficult to see, the game's quality very clearly true, comparable to CG animation, hope not only the official figure of infinite beauty. Game players can through the amplification, narrow picture, adjust the game perspective, ranging from bird view overlooking the city, to the proximity to the city blocks, take a closer look at the figures of the movements and expressions. ...

标签: 游戏