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要做就全套 《魅影传说》极品橙装全曝光

Do you need the full set of opera legend "orange loaded full exposure

2015-09-07 23:10:24来源: 新浪

拥有全套豪华的装备,对于广大玩家来说,无疑是走南闯北、装逼上天的必备神器!在游戏中的橙装,乃品质最高的装备,游戏中身份的标志,最高质量的存在,实力的代表。俗话说装备强则实力高,在6637《魅影传说》中随着装备极品属性的全面飙升,只会让强者更强,下面就随小编一起来了解下它的强大之处吧! ...

has a full range of luxurious equipment, for the majority of the players is undoubtedly travel extensively, pack to force God essential artifact. In the game of the orange dress, but the highest quality equipment, marking the game status, the highest quality, the strength of the representative. As the saying goes strong equipment strength high, in 6637 the opera legend "with the equipment the best attributes of a soaring will only make the strong stronger, the following Xiaobian to understand its greatness with it! ...