新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创造历史!YouTube最火游戏主播点击量破百亿


Create history! YouTube the most fire game anchor hits the amount of broken ten billion

2015-09-08 11:22:24来源: 17173

近日,Youtube的著名游戏主播PewDiePie创造了一项新记录,他的节目点击数日前已经达到了惊人的100亿次!这实在令人叹为观止。 在个人推特上,PewDiePie也兴奋地宣布了这个消息:“我们创造了历史!” 在PewDiePie的Youtube频道页面,我们可以看到他的节目...

recently, Youtube's famous game anchor PewDiePie created a new record, his program has reached a staggering 10000000000 times a few days ago! This is amazing. On twitter, PewDiePie was also excited to announce the news: "we made history!" We can see his program on Youtube's PewDiePie channel page...

标签: 游戏 主播