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蹦蹦兔塔防第49关怎么过 第49关图文攻略

Bouncing rabbit defense the 49 off to the 49 off graphic Raiders

2015-09-07 22:17:43来源: 4399

蹦蹦兔塔防是一款轻松休闲的塔防游戏,游戏以休闲为主,但是也不是随便玩就能完美过关。第49关非常难,敌方机甲非常强大,数量还很多,连续5个机甲更是毁天灭地。那么第49关要怎么安全完美通关呢?这里小编为大家带来蹦蹦兔塔防第49关攻略。【本关使用的机甲】合体机甲level5。 因为机甲跨越非...

bouncing rabbit tower defense is a casual tower defense game, game mainly to leisure, but also not casually play can be the perfect pass. Forty-ninth very difficult, very powerful enemy armor, the number is also a lot of, 5 consecutive mecha is devastating. So the forty-ninth clearance to how the security clearance? Here Xiaobian for everyone to bring the spring rabbit tower forty-ninth raiders. The use of [level5] mecha mecha fit. Because of non crossing mecha...