新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399创世兵魂板砖属性 多少钱

4399创世兵魂板砖属性 多少钱

4399 creation soldiers soul tile attribute much money

2015-09-01 18:40:09来源: 4399

4399创世兵魂板砖属性 创世兵魂板砖多少钱 武器名称:板砖 武器类别:近战武器 武器级别:白银 武器价格:100GS/7天 300GS/30天 最长续费:30天 获得途径:商城限时出售 小编点评:朴实无华的近战神奇,攻速快,使用便捷,所以得到了广大玩家的喜爱。 武器数值...

4399 creation soldiers soul tile attribute creation soldiers soul tile how much money the weapon Name: tile weapons categories: melee weapon weapons grade: silver price of weapons: 100GS/7 days 300GS/30 longest renewals: 30 days get way: Mall limit the sale of Xiaobian comments: plain melee magic attack speed fast, easy to use, so get the love of the majority of the players. Weapon values...