新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA石家庄站 海大师连续三站一轮游

WCA石家庄站 海大师连续三站一轮游

WCA Shijiazhuang sea station master for three consecutive station championship round trip

2015-09-01 18:19:38来源: 新浪

经过两天激烈的比赛,WCA2015全球公开赛(中国区)城市海选赛石家庄站6个项目的冠军已经全部出炉,他们将在今年10月份代表石家庄角逐华北赛区区域赛,以下为各项目晋级名单: 《DOTA2》:WHLF战队 《魔兽争霸3》:吉邱雨 《自由之战》:DS战队 《英魂之刃》:基友特...

after two days of intense competition, WCA2015 global open (China) audition city race Shijiazhuang station six projects have all been released, they will be in Shijiazhuang, in October this year on behalf of the race north division region match, the following for the project promotion list: the dota2: team WHLF Warcraft 3: Ji Qiuyu "free of war": DS corps the souls of the blade: Friends of the base.