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炉石传说双照明弹T7猎卡组推荐 专治毒瘤包包骑

Hearthstone double lighting bomb T7 hunting card group recommended cures cancer bag riding

2015-08-29 16:13:33来源: 4399

炉石传说TGT开放后,万佛朝宗包包骑一跃成为天梯毒瘤,在昨天涛妹登顶后,大量包包骑接近天梯中!完全不给各种其他卡组活路。此时大猎爹就要出来主持正义,失传已久的双照明弹T7猎焦作人! 核心:消灭包包骑!目前天梯全部是万佛朝宗骑士,T7猎本来就克制这个卡组的。多加一到两个照明弹,简直就是吊...

hearthstone TGT open, poke the suerian bag riding leap become the ladder cancer, Tao sister yesterday after the summit, a bag was riding close to a ladder! Don't give all the other card group living. The father will come out hunting for justice, long lost twin flare T7 hunting jiaozuo! Core: elimination of bags ride! The ladder all poke was the knight, T7 hunt was overcome the card group. More than one to two lighting shells, simply hanging...

标签: 炉石传说