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S系列入选次数排行榜 S系巅峰荣耀近在眼前

S series selected number list s series pinnacle of glory nearly in front of

2015-08-29 12:53:29来源: 巴士LOL

2015赛季世界总决赛门票已经派发出去了大半。而本次S系列赛事也已经是第五次举办了。在每次赛季结束之后大家都记住了谁是冠军,但是你们留意了那些无冕之王吗,他们虽然没有在S系列走到最后,但是他们却往往能够多次入选S系列赛事。今日,小编为大家带来S系列入选次数排行榜,细数LOL电竞豪门。 ...

2015 season in the world finals tickets have distributed out the most. The S series of events is also held fifth times. After the end of each season we all remember who is the champion, but you pay attention to those without a crown, they although not in the S series came to the last, but they are often able to repeatedly selected s series of events. Today, small as we bring S series selected number list, count the LOL gaming giants. ...