新关注 > 信息聚合 > 裁掉百名员工后,动视暴雪决定关闭法国工作室


After cutting off 100 employees, the company decided to close the French studio by Blizzard

2020-10-07 17:19:12来源: 游戏时光

  动视暴雪日前已通知法国凡尔赛办公室的员工,称其将关闭法国工作室。  在 2019 年初时,该工作室的员工大约还有 400 名,不过后来裁撤掉 134 人,他们主要负责欧洲地区的营销、客户支持和本地化。动视暴雪凡尔赛工作室  据知情人士透露,动视暴雪原计划将法国工作室一半的员工迁往伦敦,但由于英国脱欧和新冠病毒的影响,该计划难以落实。  目前尚不清楚有多少人将直接失业,又有多少人有机会转移到其它工作室,但根据法国劳动法,动视暴雪将不得不与员工协商巨额的补偿方案,该公司的发言人也证实,管理层正在和员工就重组计划进行谈判。  动视暴雪法国工作室的成立时间,可以说早于动视和暴雪的合并,当年暴雪还是法国维旺迪旗下的子公司。而这些年的一系列运作,不难看出动视在运营方面掌握了更大的话语权。来源:Bloomberg

The company has informed employees of Versailles office in France that it will close its French studio. At the beginning of 2019, the studio had about 400 employees, but 134 were later removed, mainly responsible for marketing, customer support and localization in the European region. TVB Versailles studio said it planned to move half of its French studio staff to London, but it was difficult to implement the plan due to brexit and the new crown virus. It is not clear how many people will be directly unemployed and how many will have the opportunity to move to other studios. But under the French labor law, the company will have to negotiate a huge compensation plan with its employees. A spokesman for the company confirmed that management is negotiating with employees on the reorganization plan. The establishment of the studio in France was earlier than the merger of TVV and blizzard. Blizzard was a subsidiary of Vivendi. But these years of a series of operations, it is not difficult to see that the operation of the mobile vision has a greater voice. Source: Bloomberg

标签: 暴雪