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硬科幻《火瀑》画质升级 秒杀画面党

Hard science fiction the firefall quality upgrade test 1, pioneer 9 months spike picture party

2015-08-29 08:56:49来源: 新浪

距离9月1日先锋测试开启还有3天,你是不是已经按耐不住,想要一览未来世界的独特美景呢?好莱坞硬科幻网游《火瀑》(Firefall)已经在前段时间公布了即将登陆Playstation平台的消息,画面、画质更是全面提升,大波美图今日放出,一起来一睹为快吧! 细致到极致 依然不失大气 ...

distance open and 3 days, you are not have to bear, do want the unique beauty of the list of the world in the future? Hollywood hard science fiction online games the firefall (firefall) has some time ago announced will be landing Playstation news, the picture, the picture is more is to enhance and wavelet Mito released today, a preview of it! Detailed to the extreme is still not out of the atmosphere...