新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真是够了来说说九月资料片中的战骑系统


It is enough to talk about September piece of information in warfare ride systems

2015-08-29 22:26:40来源: 17173

看到这张图我都不知道说什么了!有很多人恳求策划你放出骑战系统吗?骑着坐骑打架很帅吗?这还是我大梦幻吗? 当年很多小伙伴嘲笑我玩梦幻这种小孩玩的木偶人网游,我说你们不懂,梦幻的经济系统交互系统以及整个游戏社会的稳定性和成就感你们这些只会玩砍砍杀杀没智商情商的人完全不懂.一直觉得挺好的,...

see this picture I don't know what to say! There are many beg that you plan to release battle to ride the system?? riding a horse to fight very handsome?? this is my big dream?? when many small partners laughed at my dream the children play with the puppet people online play, I say you don't understand, fantasy economy system interaction system and the gaming community stability and achievement sense you will only play cut slashing kill no IQ and EQ people completely understand. Always feel quite good of,...