新关注 > 信息聚合 > 次世代画质 《剑侠3:谢云流传》视频首曝

次世代画质 《剑侠3:谢云流传》视频首曝

Next generation quality "musketeers of the 3: Xie Yun and spread" video first exposure Sina

2015-08-28 18:40:23来源: 新浪


this afternoon, "JX online version of the three" (hereinafter referred to as "Jian Wang 3") the sixth anniversary conference in Zhuhai opening, expansion, "Jian Wang 3" huge world outlook of stand-alone works "JX 3: Xie Yun and spread" was finally officially unveiled, in addition to presenting large scene of the original concept offscreen. At the same time, also released the first scenes and characters of calculus videos and screenshots, material performance close to real photos, even roadside vegetation petals texture, character texture pores are...

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