新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百鬼暗夜将行 斗仙新服今日14点开启

百鬼暗夜将行 斗仙新服今日14点开启

HYAKKI night, Dou Xian new clothes today 14:00 opened Sina

2015-08-28 12:22:05来源: 新浪

谁闻碧血泣英灵,谁见火染幽孤城,谁听边疆号角鸣,谁看沙场秋点兵?《斗仙》新服“血染疆场”今日14点准时开启!欢迎广大新老仙友前来入驻! 【新服4重豪礼感恩回馈】 1、“新人七天乐”打造专属成长计划 新服“血染疆场”即将开启,《斗仙》为广大新手玩家们量身打造了“新人七天乐”的专...

who heard the impassioned souls cry, who see fire dyed quiet Gu, who listen to frontier horn sounded, who see soldiers on the battlefield in autumn? "Xian" new clothes "fighting bloody battlefield" today 14 o'clock opening! Welcome to the new and old Xianyou settled here! [new service 4 Hao Li Thanksgiving feedback] 1, "new seven Tianle" to create exclusive growth plan new service "bloody battlefield" is about to open, the Dou Xian "for the majority of the novice players to create a" new seven Tianle "designed...