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"The master has spookiness" demon world reward that first published

2015-08-12 14:06:18来源: 18183

首款3D捉妖手游《师父有妖气》中还有大量来自《西游记》的Q萌妖怪等你来收服,在即将到来的妖气内测中,在惊心动魄的捉妖之旅中,寻找你心仪的妖怪! 昆仑游戏诺亚方舟工作室倾力打造的首款3D捉妖手游《师父有妖气》内测在即,《西游记》中家喻户晓的名妖、美妖、萌妖们将悉数出洞。一场以妖为主角,...

first 3D catch demon hand tour of the master has spookiness "and from" journey to the west "Q cute monsters you to soothe, in the upcoming Yaoqi closed, in a thrilling catch a monster trip, looking for your favorite monster! Kunlun game Noah's Ark studio effort to build the first 3D catch demon hand tour of the master has spookiness "online soon," journey to the west "in the household of a demon, beautiful demon, adorable demon who will be fully out of a hole. A demon as the protagonist,...