新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沙盒新游未发先“失联” 《荒野》或将胎死腹中

沙盒新游未发先“失联” 《荒野》或将胎死腹中

Sandbox travelogue without first lost contact "wilderness" or will be aborted

2015-08-10 17:38:04来源: 任玩堂

沙盒生存游戏是近年来 PC 游戏的大热门,开放的场景地图,极具挑战性的玩法,让其粉丝数量和吸金能力大大增长。由两名来自美国的独立游戏人组成的 Toonuva Games 工作室也从中汲取灵感,打算在移动平台上推出一款 3D 沙盒生存游戏 The Wild 《荒野》,让玩家在严冬荒野中体验...

sandbox survival game is in recent years popular PC games, open map of the scene, very challenging gameplay, let the number of fans and ceiling gold ability is greatly increased. By two from the independence of the United States in the game Toonuva games studio also from draw inspiration, going to on the mobile platform launched a 3D sandbox survival game the wild "wilderness", allowing the player to experience in the winter in the wilderness.