新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你最爱玩的游戏!盈佳国际未来主流游戏平台


Your best game! Surplus best international future mainstream gaming platform

2015-08-10 17:23:32来源: 科技讯

如果说互联网成为人群消费的时尚,那么当今所有互联网产品,尤其是上线的游戏产品,则更应该考虑人们的价值与喜好,新奇的、趣味的、流行的、重口味的,盈佳国际认为倘若游戏研发在进行产品研发的第一关,就开始注重把握核心互联网用户的喜好,更能在产品上线的营销、推广、营收等各个步骤中占得先机。 当...

if the Internet has become the fashion consumer groups, then all of today's Internet products, especially on-line gaming products, should consider people's values and preferences, novel, interesting and popular, heavy taste, enka international think if game research and development in the first pass of the product research and development, began to pay attention to grasp the core of Internet users preferences, can seize the opportunities in the online product marketing, promotion, revenue and other various steps. When...

标签: 游戏