新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唤醒你内心深处的恐惧 梦魇《沉睡》8月底降临

唤醒你内心深处的恐惧 梦魇《沉睡》8月底降临

Wake up deep in your heart of fear nightmare "sleeping" by the end of 8 fell to

2015-08-10 17:07:23来源: 4399

继2013年在kickstarter上获得了众筹成功之后,《沉睡》(Stasis)就渐渐的淡出了人们的视野,就在大家都要几乎忘了这款曾经备受期待的恐怖游戏的时候,开发商The Brotherhood和Daedalic娱乐工作室终于联合公布了这款游戏的最新动向,耗时数年的恐怖大作终于要在8...

in 2013 after the success of the KickStarter, "Stasis" () gradually fade out of people's vision, it is almost forgotten this once the horror game has been expected, the developer Brotherhood Daedalic and The entertainment studio has finally announced the latest trends in this game, the time spent several years of terror has finally come in 8...