新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易CC这也许是世界上第一条为游戏女主播发声的..


Netease CC this may be the world's first female anchor of the game sound..

2015-08-06 17:41:30来源: 电玩巴士

明明可以靠颜值,却偏要靠实力 明明可以秀身材,却偏要秀身手 明明有傲人事业线,却偏要有过人事业心 明明可以做萌主,却偏爱做盟主 …… 视频链接:http://v.q q.com/page/t/n/7/t0161mxfzn7.html 这是网易CC最新推出的CC游戏天...

clearly can rely on color value, but rely on the strength of clearly can figure shows, is partial to show skill obviously impressive business line, but must have extraordinary dedication obviously can do the main Meng, but prefer to do a leader... Video link: q.com/page/t/n/7/t0161mxfzn7.html http://v.q this is the latest launch of the CC CC game...

标签: 游戏 网易 主播