新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015ChinaJoy展首日"颜值"最高展厅一狼蛛


2015ChinaJoy show on the first day, Yan value hall highest a tarantula

2015-08-06 09:17:04来源: 中关村在线


2015 in July, 30th, awaited the 11th China International Digital Entertainment Expo (ChinaJoy) in Shanghai New International Expo Center grand opening. At this point, the temperature of 37 degrees Celsius in Shanghai, Shanghai New International Expo Center, although air conditioning can let the temperature drop, but the players are enthusiastic here, wonderful performances and players of the game, so that the temperature does not fall down, the air filled with 80 degrees of fire...

标签: ChinaJoy