新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻神域百层塔17层怎么过 百层塔17层通关攻略

梦幻神域百层塔17层怎么过 百层塔17层通关攻略

The dream of the God of the domain hundred layer tower 17 layer how to over one hundred layer tower 17 layer customs clearance strategy

2015-08-03 15:21:42来源: 4399

梦幻神域百层塔17层怎么过?百层塔17层用什么阵容好?梦幻神域17层是众多玩家反应比较难的一层,副本中要打败5个BOSS才能获胜,今天4399阿尔法就为大家来解析这一层的通关攻略。 阵容推荐:队长猫妖弓箭手,队员终极者+苍白骑士(狙击手也行),支援风精灵+爆发输出 阵容分析:主阵容用...

fantasy God domain hundred layer tower 17 layer how? What is the 17 layer of the 100 tower with a good lineup? Dream of God is the domain of the 17 layer is a number of players to react more difficult, a copy of the 5 BOSS to win the victory, today, 4399 Alfa will be resolved for you this layer of customs clearance. Team recommended: Captain cat demon Archer, Ultimate Players + White Knight (sniper) to support wind spirit + outbreak output lineup analysis: the main part of the team with...