新关注 > 信息聚合 > 独立游戏《万物生长》手游 获最佳移动游戏奖

独立游戏《万物生长》手游 获最佳移动游戏奖

Independent game all the growth of mobile games won the best mobile game award

2015-08-03 18:35:01来源: 4399

日前,中国独立游戏颁奖典礼正式落下帷幕,备受关注的中国独立游戏大奖的获奖名单也新鲜出炉,由国内游戏制作人陈虹曲制作,乐恒互动投资孵化的独立游戏《万物生长》(Grow)手游凭借其独特的画面,新奇的玩法,静雅的音乐,获得了最佳游戏大奖! 中国独立游戏大赛是由中国独立游戏联盟举办的,大型跨平...

recently, China Independent Games ceremony officially came under the curtain, the concern of China Independent Games award winners also freshly baked, produced by the domestic game producer Chen Hong Song, Le constant interaction capital incubator independent game the growth of all things "(grow) travel by virtue of its unique picture. New gameplay, Jingya's music, won the best game award! China's Independent Games competition is organized by the China Independent Games Association, a large cross level...

标签: 手游 游戏