新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游族陈礼标:影游联动完成游戏向娱乐的蜕变


Family travel Chen Li standard: linkage video tour complete game to entertainment transformation

2015-08-03 15:36:59来源: 电玩巴士


from marvel, Disney, Hasbro to blizzard, Netflix, the commercialization of IP has let a large number of U.S. companies to break down cultural boundaries, establish a and an entertainment empire. And in the domestic, IP has increasingly become the watershed between tycoon games and entertainment giant, and thus there like Tencent, tour pies Disney family quite so the contents of the company. WMGC investment and financing forum held in August 1st, the tour family network COO Chen Libiao said publicly...

标签: 游戏