新关注 > 信息聚合 > ChinaJoy,周末火热



2015-08-02 03:56:45来源: 中国网

无图说 ▲参观者们兴致勃勃地入场观展。 ▲参观者们正手摇扇子歇息。 昨天,2015ChinaJoy(中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会)迎来周末人流高峰,观众人数远超前两日。 当日,申城最高气温达38.0℃,已连续7天“火力全开”,但比天气更热的还有2015ChinaJoy。 ...

hot weekend visitors said no admission to the show to be in the best of spirits ". The visitors are hand rest fan. Yesterday, 2015ChinaJoy (China International Digital Entertainment Expo) ushered in the peak of the weekend, the audience is far ahead of two days. On the same day, Shanghai is the maximum temperature reached 38 degrees, for 7 consecutive days "firepower", but more heat than the weather and 2015ChinaJoy. ...

标签: ChinaJoy