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以游戏之名行娱乐之事 CJ2015依然销魂

In the name of the game and entertainment. CJ2015 still ecstasy

2015-07-31 02:43:38来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】7月30日的上海热的厉害,下出租车走到国际展览馆门口的几百米距离,衣服就湿透了。原本以为热成这样的天气会拦住很多人,没想到ChinaJoy 2015的会场里早就人山人海。和往年相比,今年的布展规模和参展商数量都更上层楼,希望搭上游戏通往财富快车道的人越来越多了,谁更会...

[IT168 information] on July 30, Shanghai heat of the powerful, taxi go to the international exhibition at the entrance of a few hundred meters away from clothes wet. Originally thought that the weather will be hot stopped a lot of people, did not expect the ChinaJoy 2015 hall had huge crowds of people. Compared to previous years, this year the size of the exhibit and exhibitors number more upper floor to catch the games leading to the wealth of the fast lane, more and more people the, who will...

标签: 游戏