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The radiation 4 "official Chinese plans to determine how large number of

2015-07-29 00:46:21来源: 南方网

” 可想而知游戏文本数量有多么庞大,而此次主角不管是男的还是女的,都是有配音的。《辐射4》将于11月10日登陆本时代平台。 摘要:据渠道消息,《辐射4》目前已确认官方中文计划,但是发售日是否和美版是一天尚不得而知,另外,游戏将采用不同的画面表现风格和机制已经是众所周知的了,在最近的一次...

" it is conceivable game text, and the protagonist whether male or female, are dubbed. "Radiation 4" will be in the era of landing in November 10th. Abstract: according to the sources, the radiation 4, it has been confirmed that the Chinese version of the official plan, but the release date whether U.S. version is a forefront unknown. In addition, the game will use different screen performance style and mechanism is already well known, in a recent...