新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄难过美人关?巨人美女HR坐镇CJ招聘现场


Hero sad beauty off? The giant HR CJ in the recruitment site

2015-07-28 23:19:13来源: 18183

俗语有云,英雄难过美人关。如果面对一群美女HR对你进行职业面试,你还能淡定面对么? 2015年7月30日至8月2日,一年一度的游戏盛会ChinaJoy将在上海浦东新国际博览中心举行。一向敢为 俗语有云,“英雄难过美人关”。如果面对一群美女HR对你进行职业面试,你还能淡定面对么? ...

beauty as the saying goes, the hero sad beauty. If the face of a beauty HR to you for a job interview, you can calm in the face of?? 2015 July 30 to August 2, the annual event ChinaJoy game will in Shanghai Pudong New International Expo Center held. Always dare to have a saying goes, "hero sad beauty pass". If the face of a group of beautiful HR to you for a professional interview, you can calm the face?...