新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄三国年度版本新英雄邓艾技能首曝


Heroes of three annual version of the new hero Deng AI skills first exposure Sina

2015-07-28 11:56:59来源: 新浪

今天给大家带来的是网易首款英雄对战(MOBA)竞技游戏《英雄三国》2015年度大版本标志英雄——魏国传奇武将邓艾的技能首曝。邓艾是三国后期最璀璨的将星之一,是魏国灭蜀的决定性大将之一。今天就让小编带领大家一起了解下我们《英雄三国》这位灭蜀先锋吧! 邓艾英雄介绍: 邓艾,魏国武将,...

today for everyone to bring the Netease's first hero of the war (MoBa) games "heroes of the Three Kingdoms" 2015 annual version flag hero Wei's legendary generals AI skills first exposure. Deng Ai is one of the most dazzling star Three Kingdoms period, is one of the most important general Wei mieshu. Today let the small series to lead you together to understand our "heroes of the Three Kingdoms," the pioneer of the! Deng Aiyingxiong: Deng Ai, Wei generals,...