新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动作RPG《SD敢达OL》7.30开启不删档开放测试


Action RPG the SD am of OL "7.30 open does not delete files open test

2015-07-27 22:25:24来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 7月27日消息,动作RPG《SD Gundam NextEvolution(暂译:SD敢达OL2)》日前宣布,将于7月30日在韩国开启最终测试,以检查游戏的运营环境及平衡性,为公测作准备。 此次测试面向所有玩家开放,24小时开服,且不删档,玩家养成的角色可以直接在公测版本中...

Sina game news July 27 news, the action RPG" SD Gundam NextEvolution (provisional translation: SD dare OL2) "announced a few days ago, will be on July 30 in South Korea opened the final test, to check the game's operation ring environment and the balance of for beta to prepare. The test oriented open to all players, 24 hours service, and does not delete files, the players to form the role can be directly in the beta version.